
CISH - Wine Special

Commercially wine is produced in more than 70 countries. The world's annual production of wine is around 270 million hectoliters. Despite tremendous potential and possibilities contribution of India in the wine trade is negligible. Total wine production in India is around 0.176 million hectoliters. More than 80% of wine production in Maharashtra is from grapes. In recent years demand for non-grape wine increased considerably. The Indian wine industry has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 14 percent from 2010 to 2017 making it the fastest-growing industry under alcoholic beverage in the country. Although, India is the largest producer of mango, however, no winery is focusing on wine production from mango. The unavailability of mango wine technology is one of the main constraints.:
Technology Details:
There is no winery to focus on wine production from mango, particularly on North Indian mango cultivars. The lack of wine production technology for different fruits (except grapes) is the main factor influencing wine production in India. It is presumed that the CISH mango wine special will offer scope for new entrepreneurs and will be a remunerative venture for mango growers. With the CISH mango wine special, the mango wine industry will get a boost, and the state will earn revenue through the sale of wine. With the available state-of-the-art technology, wine can be prepared from fresh fruit juice only. The proposed technology will enable planners to prepare wine around the year from preserved/ stored mango pulp.