
CISH-SHWETA For High Yielding, Good Quality, and Attractive Fruit Appearance, Creamy White Exocarp with Red Spots or Blush, Snow-White Flesh, Pulp Firm, Soft Seeded, Taste Sweet with Good Keeping Quality

Guava is native to Central America and is well adapted in tropical and subtropical areas of the country. India stands on top in world guava production. As per estimated data during the fiscal year 2023, 5.59 million metric tons of guava were produced in India from 359 thousand hectares area. Guava is a rich source of Vitamin C and Pectin along with Calcium and Phosphorus content. Guava is cultivated from the foothills of the Himalayas to Kanyakumari and from Gujrat to the extreme northeastern region of India. There are more than 400 guava cultivars, but only a few dozen are commercially cultivated. The majority of the present-day guava varieties commercially grown in India suffer from problems like lower fruit yield, higher seed content, hard seeds, poor keeping quality, and susceptibility to insect pests and diseases. Changing climatic conditions are likely going to negatively affect guava production by limiting vegetative growth, flowering and fruit set, fruit growth, and fruit quality. Given the fact that guava is an important crop for marginal lands and low input conditions, the availability of superior cultivars may help bring a sizeable area under guava cultivation. Further, cultivars with higher yields and better fruit quality would fetch better returns, and this would substantially contribute to increasing the farmer’s income. Therefore, the development of guava varieties having desirable characteristics viz., high yielding, firm flesh, soft seeds, better fruit quality, and shelf-life is the need of the hour. The availability of soft-seeded, Nutri-rich, and better-keeping cultivars would also increase guava exports to long-distance global and national markets.:
Technology Details:
Guava variety CISH-Shweta is selected from the half-sib population of Apple Guava. The fruits are rounded, medium-sized fruits, weighing ~250 g with thick pericarp (>1.5 cm). The variety is high yielding (75-85 kg/plant) with good quality and attractive fruit appearance, creamy white exocarp with red spots or blush, snow-white flesh, pulp firm, soft seeded, and sweet. It possesses high TSS (12.5-13.2%) and vitamin C (300 mg/100 g pulp) with good keeping quality. Variety is suitable for table purposes but can be successfully processed for products not requiring pink pulp. It takes 2-3 years to get into the bearing stage and takes 125-145 days from flowering to fruit maturity. Higher production and quality in the winter Season. Rainy Season crop in CISH-Shweta is better than other varieties. Suitable for close planting. It has wider adaptability and is recommended for the entire Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, and Haryana. It has wider adaptability in different guava-growing regions of the country.