
Extended Shelf-Life Functional Paneer (IDP-23)

Paneer due to very short shelf life is not marketable over long distances and therefore not manufactured by the organized sector on a large scale. The new process is adaptable for large-scale manufacture using a semi-continuous line and can therefore be taken up by State cooperative federations and large dairy units, which in turn will benefit the farmers better. Whey disposal is one of the major concerns in the dairy industry. The process eliminates the whey separation step and therefore is more environment friendly.:
Technology Details::
Extended shelf-life functional paneer was prepared by Dairy Technology Division, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal using an innovative approach i.e. in-package thermization directed at coagulation of concentrated milk. Product is fortified with bioactive components (dietary fibre, calcium and phytosterol) contributing to healthfulness of the product in relation to heart diseases and osteoporosis. The process results in a higher product yield as compared to conventional paneer (by up to 35-40%), and extends shelf-life: about one month at room temperature and more than 4 months at refrigeration temperature, offers competitive cost and hygienic quality.