FRP Carp Hatchery

The innovation of portable FRP carp hatchery is adding a feather to blue revolution in the country by producing fish seed at the farmers field. The transportation of seed from different far off places to the farm site involving substantial cost is getting reduced by introduction of this hatchery. It is portable in nature. It requires less water during fish breeding and spawn production. It is easy to install, operate and repair. It needs less space for installation. It is less weight and the durability of the product is for 15 years. The system is so designed that it creates an environment suitable for fish breeding in the field condition for 10-12 kg of carps in single operation. In one run, 1.0-1.2 million spawn can be produced. This hatchery can also be used as a tool for fish biodiversity conservation. In lean season the system can be used for ornamental fish rearing, common carp breeding and water storing purpose.