
Technology of Reduced Calorie Peda (IDP-07)

Changing scenario offers new opportunity for the Indian dairy industry, particularly the organised sector, for expanding their product profile. Indian traditional dairy products present themselves as strong candidates for this purpose owing to their popularity among all sections of the populace. With scientific advancement in the field of food science and technology there has been an increased availability of innovation ingredients that can be utilized for enhancing the health attributes of traditional sweets. Such ingredients include non-nutritive sweeteners, micronutrients and dietary fibers for the obese, diabetic and those prone to heart related problems. Peda is khoa based sweets consumption of which exceed any other sweet. It has high calorific value due to high fat and sugar content. Since no attempt has been made to produce peda with no added sugar and low fat content, the present investigation was carried out with the objective of optimizing a product formulation comprising fat replacers and sugar replacers to produce reduced calorie peda.:
Technology Details::
In order to achieve the objective screening of fat replacer and sugar were done. WPC and Simplesse were tried for fat replacer and WPC was selected as fat replacer on the basis of sensory score of the product. As bulking agent maltodextrin, sorbitol and Polydextrose were used and Polydextrose was rejected as it gives coarse product. Aspartame, acesulfame-k and sucralose were used as high potency sweetener, from them sucralose was selected on the basis of sensory evaluation of product and review pertaining to it.